Publication at 'Der Spiegel': Joe Chialo - Senator of Culture, Berlin.
Publications for 'Siemens Energy', worldwide use.
Publication at 'Wüstenrot-Magazin: Gebaute Zukunft': Right-Wing Real Estates.
Publication at 'La Repubblica': A day with Olaf Scholz.
Publication at 'Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge': Deradicalization in prisons.
Publication at 'Handbook Islam and Muslims'.
Group-Exhibition at 'Fotogalerie Friedrichshain'.

Publication at 'Maischberger - Die Woche': A clan-member terrorizes his neighbours.
Publication at 'Der Spiegel': The enemy from bottom right: a clan-member terrorizes his neighbours.
Publication at 'Focus Online': A German Islam.

Publication at 'Neo Magazin Royale': Wikipedia.
Publication at 'taz': A street of light and shadow.
Publication at 'Focus Online': "Hotspot" Sonnenallee.

Publication at 'taz': Islamic communities in Berlin.
Publication at 'NDR-Zapp': "Golden Potato" for Julian Reichelt.
Publication at 'taz online': "Golden Potato" for Julian Reichelt.
Publication at 'EXPRESS Düsseldorf': Migrants care for elderly Germans.
Publication at 'taz': A day at "Ankunftszentrum" Berlin.
Publication at 'Der Spiegel': Ecologists fight against bird killers.
Publication at 'Craftrad': Luc and Hannes Ackermann - FMX
Publication at 'Roads & Kingdoms'.

Publication at 'Kunst und Kultur':
Jamel, a small village in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, where a single couple struggles
against the folkish-national rest of the community.

Publication at 'Berlin Quarterly': Turkish Wrestling.
Publication at 'Siegel Online': Solely in Leipzig jail.
for 'SPON' in JVA Leipzig: pictures around the cell of Jaber Albakr, who was accused to plan a
terroristic blast. He committed suicide after three days in prison.
Publication at 'Kunst und Kultur': Germany 'brown' again?